Evening Snacking!

Do you always find your snacking before bed, sitting watching television and next thing find yourself half way through a tub of Ben & Jerry’s and leaving yourself feeling down and not great!? Well there is a solution!

Snacking is good and healthy and an evening snack can also be a good thing you just need to know the right foods to be snacking on.

Before bed there are snacking no no’s! These include caffeine (unless you plan to be awake all night, avoid the caffeine before bed to ensure you get a good sleep), alcohol, heavy meals (that will leave you feeling full and also contribute to weight gain) and packaged unhealthy snacks that are high in sugar and salt such as crisps and chocolate.

There are many reasons for evening snacking such as dehydration, boredom, low salt or sugar levels, lack of protein or genuinely hungry. Whatever the reason there are certain foods that snacking in the evening wont have you feeling guilty and will ensure you get a good night’s sleep! 🙂

Food’s high in protein are good as they leave you feeling fuller rather than foods high in carbohydrates. If you have evening cravings, first drink a glass of water and if this doesn’t satisfy your cravings small portions of high protein/fibre foods such as a granola bar, yoghurt , fresh fruit, veggie sticks, cereal (with low-fat milk), hardboiled egg, mixed nuts or seeds and plain popcorn are good healthy evening snacks.

So before you go to grab the quickest option to munch in front of the telly, first consider the evening snacking no no’s, try a glass of water and if this doesn’t work try a low-fat, high protein or fibre, small serving size snack, you will be feeling more positive and feeling overall better.

Remember a small change can have bigger benefits! 🙂

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